explore le plateau-mont-royal (116)

wzrdsportrait with a small treegazing into the distancewoman with birdbased on a true storyparc du portugal alternatesnakes on a ladyplateau bombpumabearowlscreamingfroot loopsbad triprepititionparking forbiddenlonesome birdutopiaprobably an art studentmenageriemenagerie detaildos gatoscharacter threepaskotoret bobacoyote and fishbird, camel, and coyotearmadillomore montreal than montrealthundering herd of elephants detailthundering herd of elephantsresting peacefullycontradictory political statementparc du portugalcurly friesbig jofirst three letterswaxheadportrait with headdressghetto blasterabstract patternoscano??stackrobotbirdsfaces twoowl twopamre tes pipessimpletower cityportrait with swirlsportrait threealaika bindle of bird housesflea marketmonstersthe card players twothe card players onesailing rooosteruncpas de dechétsalley jam twoalley jam onenaimocolorful agglomerationaweartistic raccoonsatanjesusskeleton threeskeleton and eaglerobot catcherartangsmug alligator?portrait twostoned alligatormtohsteneiaa crop of mushroomslayered charactercolorful birdssnarky bird twosporty bird twosporty bird oneplotting birdsaperskeleton twoprobably stoned charactersnarky bird onesplashing twofancy dormers twofancy dormers oneunder renovation ninegraffiti granny detailgraffiti grannytranscendentmegasinallegedly terrible customer servicedirty dogs detail fivedirty dogs detail fourdirty dogs detail threedirty dogsdirty dogs detail twodirty dogs detail onehipster romancejoe cool twobootleg bart with germ deegalactic giantravenunder renovation eightstay puftblossomingsomething in my eyeunder renovation sevenbronyriffic
aspherical: i hate people, but i'm in it for the audience

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